Documents & Guides

Explore a variety of topics about marine spills, response and compensation matters in the pages below.

Each topic and area of interest provides access to more detailed documentation that is freely downloadable.

This includes our 18 Technical Information Papers which are fully illustrated with photos and diagrams and are available in several languages. 

Alternative Fuels

What are the emerging alternative fuels and their associated risks, hazards, damages and liabilities?

Compensation for Ship-source Marine Oil Spills

What legal arrangements and sources of compensation are available for a spill from a ship?


What planning and waste management systems need to be put in place to reduce the volume of oily waste for treatment or disposal?

Environmental Effects

How does oil impact seabirds, plankton, sea mammals and the shoreline?  


What are the specific chemical response strategies for responding to a Hazardous and Noxious Substance spill, and what are the potential effects on human and marine life? 

Contingency & Response Planning

What information is needed for an effective oil spill contingency plan? How can aerial observation and protective strategies assist with response operations? 

Economic Effects

Which industries might suffer temporary economic losses and loss of market confidence?

Fate of Oil Spills

What happens to oil in the marine environment over time when spilled at sea? How do different factors such as volume and physical and chemical properties affect the fate of oil spills? 

Response Techniques

What techniques are available for cleaning up oil at sea and on the shoreline?

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12 油类污染对社会和经济活动的影响

12 油类污染对社会和经济活动的影响

除了清理油类泄漏产生的成本外,依赖于清洁海水和清洁海岸区域的经济部门 有时候也会遭受严重的经济损失。通常,商业渔业和旅游业受到的经济影响最 大,不过大量其它部门也可能会受到影响,如发电厂、运输、制盐或海水淡化等。 本文将讨论油类泄漏对各种沿岸工业和社会活动的部分影响,并将介绍可能可 以减轻其影响的措施。考虑到渔业和海洋养殖的特殊重要性,油类泄漏对渔业 和海洋养殖的影响在另外一篇技术资料论文中讨论。

Categories: Economic effects, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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11 油类污染对渔业和海洋生物养殖的影响

11 油类污染对渔业和海洋生物养殖的影响

本文将介绍船源性油类污染对渔业和海洋养殖的影响,并就有助于降低油类泄漏影响 之严重性的应对措施和管理策略提供指南。对其它经济资源的破坏在另一篇技术资料 论文中予以讨论。


Categories: Environmental effects, Economic effects, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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