Working Groups
We have several working groups focused on building expertise and disseminating information internally on specific "hot topics".
Environmental Damage
The Environmental Damage Assessment and Restoration Working Group looks at approaches to this topic on a national, regional and international level. It investigates evaluation techniques, restoration planning and implementation, and compiles case studies. Its remit also covers wildlife issues.
The fisheries sector, including both capture fisheries and mariculture, is often impacted during spills. The Fisheries Working Group collates information and experiences of fisheries-related issues from past spills to produce reference material for contingency planning and guidance during spills.
Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS)
Response to HNS incidents requires specific understanding and training. This group engages with our chemical tanker members, and organises specific HNS training (HAZMAT/HAZWOPER/CAMEO) and exercises. It also provides advice on contingency planning for HNS incidents.
Monitoring Modelling Mapping Working Group
The Monitoring Modelling Mapping Working Group (MMM WG) focuses on keeping up to date with the latest developments in satellite-based marine pollution detection and HNS / oil spill fate, behaviour and trajectory modelling. It also investigates opportunities associated with field data collection and mapping, and organises and conducts internal training and exercises covering these topics.

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