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198 results:


Iain Harrison attended the 27th annual BALEX DELTA exercise hosted this year by Lithuania

Country Profiles: A summary of oil spill response arrangements and resources worldwide (1999)

To assist shipowners comply with their requirements under the international conventions ITOPF has produced a series of Country Profiles, available to all via the Internet, allowing users to obtain a

ITOPF Seminar at North of England P&I Club

ITOPF was invited by North of England P&I Club to deliver a seminar at the company HQ in Newcastle

ITOPF runs pollution response workshop in Brazil

ITOPF was invited by IBAMA to run a training course for senior-level technical government personnel in Brazil

ITOPF presents at training course in Korea

ITOPF participated in an IMO Level 2 traiing course in Korea


… who provide technical advice to the French authorities and hold a list of approved dispersants. Any involved shoreline cleanup will be conducted by manpower from the French Ministry of Equipment with help from…

Phil Ruck

… including spills of bunker fuel, crude oil and other substances being carried as cargo. This has involved advising on a wide variety of topics, including clean-up techniques, environmental monitoring, and…

Downward trend in spills is maintained despite blip

ITOPF's tanker spill statistics released today showed a slight increase in the number of large spills from tankers in 2013 compared to the previous two years but the downward trend is maintained.

Antigua & Barbuda

… of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Public Works. The local oil industry would also be involved. The OSC is designated from the Antigua Coast Guard (normally the Operations Officer) with an…

Responding to containership incidents (2012)

The aim of this paper is to highlight the common challenges that have arisen following serious containership incidents, focusing largely on the MSC CHITRA incident response in India, in order to