Video Library
ITOPF's seven film series "Response to Marine Oil Spills" is available to view online below with subtitles in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Korean, Turkish, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese.
The films can also be purchased as a single DVD priced £10 (including postage & packing) with subtitles in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified) and Korean only.
An 8th film, Oil Spills in Cold Climates, is available to view online but is not part of the DVD.
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To access subtitles on the online films, click cc on the bar at the bottom of the screen. Please note, the subtitles only work with Google Chrome, Firefox and some versions of Internet Explorer.
The Response to Marine Oil Spills trailer is subtitled into Chinese only and subtitles are not available for the Oil in Cold Climates trailer.
A five-minute film highlighting ITOPF’s experience, credentials, and role during a pollution incident.
Categories: Spill Response, Damage Assessment, Training & Education, Contingency Planning & Advice, Information Services
ITOPF Response to Marine Oil Spills Series - Trailer
This three minute trailer introduces the forthcoming series of seven films from ITOPF focusing on oil spills.
Categories: Fate of Oil Spills, Response Techniques, Training & Education
1. Introduction to Oil Spills
In this film, we’ll be looking at some of the first things to consider when planning a response; in particular, how different oils behave in the marine environment, using past case studies as key examples.
Categories: Fate of Oil Spills, Response Techniques, Training & Education
2. Aerial Surveillance
The moment a spill is reported, it’s important to assess the nature and scale of the problem and very often the best way to do that is to get airborne. In this programme we look at aerial surveillance and how it can help us assess a situation and get the
Categories: Planning & operations, Training & Education
3. At-sea response
When there’s a spill at sea there’s the opportunity to reduce the amount of oil which reaches the shore. But to be successful in limiting the damage. You need to be prepared and act fast. In this programme we look at different strategies for response at s
Categories: Response Techniques, Training & Education
4. Shoreline clean-up
An oil spill is never good news but it’s on the occasions when it reaches the coast that it has potentially the greatest environmental and economic impact. Here we look at shoreline clean-up. The most effective planning and survey techniques and the pr
Categories: Response Techniques, Training & Education
5. Waste management
In this programme we’ll be looking at how we can most effectively manage oily waste from the moment it’s collected until its final treatment or disposal. Waste management is often a major operation after a large spill and even a minor spill can create
Categories: Disposal, Training & Education
6. Environmental impacts
We look at the environmental impacts of oils spills from the immediate effects on eco-systems and habitats to prospects for long term recovery. While an incident remains in the public eye, images of oiled coastlines and wildlife can influence a great dea
Categories: Environmental effects, Training & Education
7. Oil spill compensation
An oil spill can cause financial loss for a variety of organisations and individuals. We’ll look at some examples of the economic impacts of oil spills on businesses and livelihoods and finding out about the compensation process, from the sources of recom
Categories: Compensation, Damage Assessment, Training & Education