EcoCanal 2018, Panama
13 August 2018

ITOPF attended the annual EcoCanal seminar and exercise at the Panama Canal from 7th-9th August, jointly organised by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and the US National Response Team (NRT). At the seminar on 7th August, Phil Ruck presented on the role of ITOPF in pollution incidents. The seminar also featured presentations on the Incident Command System (ICS) and safety aspects of LNG tankers and tug boats. It was attended by approximately 90 representatives from both the Canal and various Panamanian government agencies.
Phil was an observer during the exercise on the following day, which simulated a collision between an LNG tanker and a cargo vessel resulting in a grounding, oil spill and subsequent response. He shared feedback on the exercise during a debrief session on 9th August, and both ITOPF and ACP expressed interest in strengthening the collaborative relationship between the two organisations going forward.
Category: Contingency Planning & Advice