ITOPF signs Memorandum of Understanding with Directorate of Ports and Coasts of Marinha do Brasil

27 April 2023

ITOPF signs Memorandum of Understanding with Directorate of Ports and Coasts of Marinha do Brasil

We have entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Directorate of Ports and Coasts of Marinha do Brasil to formalise and strengthen our cooperation in promoting effective spill response in the marine environment.

This partnership signifies our commitment to the dissemination of best practices regarding response to spills of oil, chemicals, and other substances in the marine environment and the establishment, implementation, and sustainability of regional, national, and international cooperative mechanisms to deal with spills of oil or other hazardous substances.

Technical Director, Richard Johnson was present along with director of the DPC, Admiral Sérgio Renato Berna Salgueirinho to sign the MoU.

Technical Manager, Mark Whittington and Senior Technical Adviser, Duarte Soares to were also present with Luiz Cabral, Claims Director of BRAZIL P&I and representatives of the Kincaid | Mendes Vianna Advogados and Brazil Navy, President of the Maritime Tribunal, Vice-Admiral Ralph Dias, the Commander of the 1st Naval District, Vice-Admiral Renato Garcia Arruda, the Superintendent of the Environment of the DPC, Admiral Jonatas Porto, and the Chief Advisor of the General Board of Navigation, Rear Admiral Cassiano Marques.

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