NurdleTrack, 2024 winner The beneficiary of the 2024 Research and Development (R&D) award is the NurdleTrack project, submitted by SINTEF and the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The NurdleTra
ITOPF has responded to more than 800 incidents involving oil or chemical spills worldwide. Our highly skilled international team are ready to assist 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide impart
ITOPF visited the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo, Sweden, to deliver a series of presentations and workshop on pollution incident response to Masters students.
ITOPF spent a week in Malaysia carrying out a pollution response claims and compensation workshop alongside the IOPC Funds, International Group of P&I Clubs for the Department of Environment (DOE), Ma
Application Form - Technical Adviser (Singapore) Applicants for roles based in Singapore, must have the right to work in Singapore. Your personal details will be processed in accordance with our Appl
ITOPF facilitated a four-day workshop in the Philippines with multiple stakeholders and authorities involved in the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP).
The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) 2024 took place in New Orleans, USA with ITOPF contributing to a significant number of events across the week which saw more than 1000 delegates from acro
Despite a significant decline in major ship-sourced oil spills worldwide, these incidents continue to pose significant challenges for affected countries, impacting livelihoods and coastal ecosystems.
Following an incident, the spill response community is subject to intense pressure where uncertainty is prevalent, yet strong work relationships are often expected to be built on an ad- hoc basis amid
Oil spills pose significant ecological, social, and economic consequences. The response to a spill and the effects of pollution damage can give rise potentially to high costs. The financial risk of an