Marine and Aquatic Pollution Control Department of Environment Affairs & Tourism (DEAT) Private Bag X2 Roggebaai 8012 Cape Town Tel: +27-21 4023911 or +27-21…
US Coast Guard Sector San Juan 5 Calle La Puntilla San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901 Tel: +1 787 289 2041 Fax: +1 787 729 6706 Spills must also be reported to the following: Environmental Quality Board…
On 19th of July 1979, two fully loaded VLCCs (very large crude carriers), the ATLANTIC EMPRESS and AEGEAN CAPTAIN, were involved in a collision approximately 10 miles off Tobago during a tropical…
ARGO MERCHANT ran aground on Nantucket Shoals, off Massachusetts, USA, on 15th December 1976, and over the next month spilled her entire cargo (28,000 tonnes) of Venezuelan No 6 fuel oil and cutter…
The Chairman of ITOPF, Dr Helmut Sohmen of World-Wide Shipping Group, delivered the Keynote Address – Moving Forward In Shipping – at the centenary celebrations of BIMCO, on 23rd May 2005
The tanker AMOCO CADIZ ran aground off the coast of Brittany on 16th March 1978 following a steering gear failure. Over a period of two weeks the entire cargo of 223,000 tonnes of light Iranian and…