On 3rd December 1992 the Greek OBO carrier AEGEAN SEA, laden with 80,000 tonnes of North Sea Brent crude oil, ran aground during heavy weather while approaching the port of La Coruña on the Galician…
Government and the shipping and oil industries have invested heavily in creating and maintaining expensive oil spill response systems against a background of decreasing numbers of intermediate and…
The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990 (OPRC Convention) defines the basic elements for co-operation between government and industry in marine…
On 28th May 1991, ABT SUMMER, fully laden with a cargo of 260,000 tonnes of Iranian heavy crude oil, experienced an explosion and a fire about 900 miles off the coast of Angola.
The East Mediterranean is an area of high oil traffic because it is an important transit centre between Middle Eastern/Russian oil and the western European countries/USA. Recent traffic developments…
Assessing the risk of oil spills from ships has long been of interest to the maritime industry. Many factors affect the frequency of accidental oil spills, including the amount of oil transported and…
Departmento de Control, Contaminacion y Carga Peligrosa Direccion General de Capitanias y Guardacostas Calle Constitucion 150 Callao Tel: +51-14 297278 or +51-14 296581 or +51-14…
CASTILLO DE BELLVER was carrying 252,000 tonnes of light crude oil (Murban and Upper Zakum), when it caught fire about 70 miles north-west of Cape Town, South Africa.
As the Chinese economy continues to develop at a rapid pace, shipping has also increased significantly over recent years. This rise in traffic brings a greater threat of oil pollution from vessels.…