Contingency Planning & Advice

ITOPF regularly advises governments and industry on the preparation of contingency plans and other matters related to marine pollution.
These activities give us an opportunity to pass on messages of good practice outside the pressurised environment of a spill. They also maintain our exposure to governments, organisations and systems that we might be working with in the future.
Recent examples include:
- Partner in the West MOPoCo project, funded by the European Union, to strengthen collaboration in combating oil and chemical pollution in the Western Mediterranean
- Developing and contributing to IMO guidelines and model courses
- Contributing to IPIECA/OGP Joint Industry Project (JIP) funded by the oil industry to address recommendations on the operational aspects of offshore operations and the ability of an operator to respond in the event of an oil spill or well blowout.
- Part of a Task Force convened by IPIECA to update the Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOSTM) with the aim of assisting governments and companies in assessing their level of oil spill response planning and readiness management
- Contributing to a review process of the performance of Shell Trading & Shipping Company against their HSSE (health, safety, security and environment) and SP (social performance) manual on oil spill preparedness and response
- Reviewing Korea Coast Guard's plan for the acquisition of marine pollution response vessels and equipment
- Reviewing Maritime New Zealand's capability plan for marine oil spill readiness and response
- Reviewing Kenya's Marine and Navigable Waters National Contingency Plan and other contingency documents, at the request of IMO
- Providing recommendations to P&I Clubs and their shipowner members with regard to SPRO (Ship Pollution Response Organisation) rates for vessels, equipment, materials and personnel in China

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