Weighing up the risks and costs (removal of oil and chemicals from sunken wrecks) (2009)
22 May 2014

Hugh Parker, Technical Director
Published in Maritime Risk International, Volume 23, Issue 6, July/August 2009, pp.7-9
Almost one in every five incidents attended by ITOPF in the last five years has involved sunken wrecks and the removal of oil or chemicals from below the sea surface or at least consideration of the feasibility of such operations. The technical input to the decision to remove potential pollutants from sunken wrecks usually depends on the outcome of a qualitative risk assessment, which can be summarised by two questions: Will oil or chemicals be released into the marine environment?, and if so, what will be the likely consequences of such a release?
Reproduced with kind permission of Informa Maritime & Professional(<link http: www.informaprofessional.com>www.informaprofessional.com)
Categories: HNS, Oil, Compensation, Papers